Friday, September 25, 2020

Want to JOIN DUP?

Do you LOVE HISTORY of any kind and especially pioneer history? Most states have historical organizations of some type. UTAH has several including: Daughters of Utah Pioneers and Sons of Utah Pioneers. You can join if you are a direct line descendent of a pioneer who came to the Utah Territory between 1847 and May 6, 1869 when the transcontinental railroad was finished. After that date, pioneers could travel across the US by train and not covered wagons. (Click on links above for forms and information.) 

If you aren't a direct line descendent of a pioneer, you can join DUP as an Associate member and enjoy attending our meetings and activities. Just contact the Registrar of your local camp. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Atkinville DUP Camp Starts Again

 After not meeting since Feb 2020, it's been too long without our monthly DUP gatherings. We all came last Monday in masks for our meeting and practiced social distancing except for photos and conducting. Some members watched us from home over Zoom. We meet at the DUP Pioneer Museum in St. George Utah on the third Monday of the month from 10-11 am. Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings which include a pioneer history, artifacts, songs, and a short lesson on pioneer history. It's a fun g roup of women most of whom have pioneer ancestry, but we also welcome others to join us. Lorraine Rice is our DUP Captain.